Corporate Law

The heart of the economy are the small and medium-sized enterprises.

Our clients’ success is a common target, thus our office besides legal advice aims to find the best legal and economic solution, which matches the client’s business idea. Due to its widespread international professional network, our office gives international legal help both for foreign entrepreneurs looking for business in Hungary and for Hungarian ones investing abroad. It also gives legal help in establishing foreign commercial companies, branches and subsidiary companies.

We prepare the deeds in accordance with the changes in company law and the need for amendments.


What typical company law matters can we help with?


  • Company formation and registration procedures
  • Amendments to articles of association,
  • Registration of changes,
  • Winding up,
  • Bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings,
  • Supervision of the legality of companies


+36 20 980 1805

Hungarian contact phone number

+39 328829 0842

Italian contact phone number

[email protected]

E-mail to us

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